The attack on Singapore occurred almost at the same time of the bombing of Pearl Harbour.
By December 9th 1941, any hope of aerial support for the army was destroyed.
British had two battleships, the HMS Prince Of Wales and HMS Repulse.
But ufortunately, both were sank by the Japanese's torpedo bombers.
The loss of both ships had a devastating impact on morale in Britian.
The Japanese's attack on Pearl Harbour was meant to deter the US from intervening in Southeast Asia.
The Japanese then used bicycles and light tanks which enabled them to reach Singapore swiftly across Malaya through the jungles.
It took the Japanese only 55 days to reach Johore travelling swiftly across Malaya.
While the British were preparing for their defence against the Japanese,
Yamashita was getting ready for the assult of Singapore.
The Japanese began attacking Singapore and the three combat zones were soon captured.
By the 14h of Feburary, the Malay Regiment retreated to Bukit Chandu.
Running out of ammunition, the Malay Regiment resorted to hand-to-hand combat
against the Japanese invaders, believing in the true spirit of Ta'at dan Setia.
The Japanese was angry about the stubborn-ess of the Malay Regiment had put up with them,
they seeked revenge by killing 200 innocent staffs and patients at Alexandra Hospital,
which was also known as Alexandra Hospital massacre.
General Persival, being a leader who cared about the lives of his soldiers & civilians unlike Yamashita, made a decision at the Battlebox to surrender to the Japanese.
Percival and Yamashita then signed the surrender at Fort Motor Factory,
and the Japanese celebrated their victory.
But unfortunately, this was only the begin of the darkest years in Singapore ever in history..

Percival led by a Japanese officer, walks under a flag of
truce to negotiate the capitulation of Allied forces in Singapore, on
Feburary 15, 1942. It was the largest surrender of British-led forces in history.
ps: truce - a temporary stoppage of a war or any wared conflict.

British Surrender - Yamashita (seated, centre) thumps the table with his fist to emphasize his terms -- unconditional surrender. Percival sits between his officers, his clenched hand to his mouth.